Monster Legends Competitive Wiki

Nadiel belongs in a Cardinal Forest. He grew up outraged by what non-Nature monsters do to his home: They come seeking Nature's help, but they give nothing more than destruction in return. For this reason, Nadiel plans to close the forest to all outsiders, using violence if necessary.

Role: Curser


Nadiel the Pyromancer, a fire version of Nadiel the Desforestator, is a great addition to legendary curser lineup. To start with, he has a great trait consisting of immune to freeze, burn, and ignite, plus an upgraded version of hardened, making status effects have 30% less accuracy against him instead of 20%. His stats, although not exceptional, is still overall good. But the thing that stands out the most is his skillset. He has fire skills despite being a nature monster and can apply various effects such as burn, ignite, and reverse healing. This was crucial in nature wars because most of the nature monsters used regeneration and healing, not to mention that they are weak to fire tortures. Because of this, he could stop them right in their tracks and kill them extremely fast. In addition, just like any nature monster does, he can also heal your team and remove any negative effects that your team might have, which is neat. This all sounds amazing but as the meta progressed, more and more monsters with area dodge and different kinds of protection came out which became a problem for him. Although his skills are very unique, most of his best skills are AoE, and despite being a curser, he can't PER. However, he is still a great curser and overall a good legendary.


  • Good stats
  • Loads of AoE attacks
  • Has Fire moves as a Nature monster
  • Nice cursing: Damage Reduction, Guard Down, Reverse Healing, Ignition and Burn all in AoE moves
  • Team NER + 30% heal
  • Low stamina costs
  • Nice relic slots
  • Great trait


  • High cooldowns
  • Too many AoE moves, making him weak to Dodge Area
  • No PER despite being a curser

Recommended Moveset


  • Protect Ecosystem (AoE 40 Special dmg + Total Damage Reduction, 24s, 3 CD)
  • Pack Nature Pact (AoE 40 Nature dmg + Guard Down, 35s, 3 CD)
  • Chimborazo (AoE 45 Fire dmg + Burn + Ignite + Reverse Healing, 27s, 2 CD)
  • Endangered Ecosystem (Team NER + 30% Heal, 20s, 3 CD)

Recommended Runes: 2 Team Speed, 1 Strength

Recommended Relics: Pumpseed's Staff, Cane of the Atlantis, Masher's Staff; Jasastur's Mask, Eeltron's Mask

Attacker (Ranked)

  • Protect Ecosystem
  • Pack Nature Pact
  • Chimborazo
  • Buninyong (AoE 40 Fire dmg + Ignite + Reverse Healing, 27s, 2 CD) / Any Skill From Group 2

Recommended Runes: 2 Strength, 1 Speed/Team Speed; 3 Strength

Recommended Relics: Pumpseed's Staff, Cane of the Atlantis, Masher's Staff; Jasastur's Mask, Eeltron's Mask


  • Endangered Ecosystem
  • Buninyong
  • Nature Pact / Insects Plague (Pact for AoE Total Damage Reduction, 16s, 2 CD) / (Plague for AoE Guard Down, 24s, 3 CD)
  • Any Skill From Group 2

Recommended Runes: 3 Team Speed; 1 Strength, 2 Team Speed

Recommended Relics: Pumpseed's Staff, Cane of the Atlantis, Masher's Staff; Jasastur's Mask, Eeltron's Mask


  • Due to Nadiel's high cooldowns, CDA monsters such as Grakon are good in denying him.
  • Fire Attackers, like Nitroblaster, are great against him since he is a Nature monster and his best skills are Fire-based.